Thursday, March 18, 2021

Beyond Words Selected Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane, 1960-1990 Volume 5 1960-1990 (pages 288-290) A Tale of a Kipa This is the tale of a kipa (a skullcap), the freed prisoner of Zion who wore it, and the Palestine Post (known also as the Jerusalem Post) that lied about it. Ya’akov Levin, 27, is one of the Jews of Heroism from Soviet Union, in the city of Odessa, possibly the most assimilated of Soviet cities from a Jewish point of view, he was not only a Zionist, but became a ba’al tshuva, returned to Judaism, learned Hebrew and married Yehudit, daughter of Zionist Mark and Zhanna Nepomnyashchy. Because of his“anti-State activities,” he was sentenced to three years in a Soviet labor camp. Those activities? The charge sheet said that “drugs” were found in his home. The “drugs” were spices for the end of the Sabbath havdala ceremony . . . But it is another paragraph in the indictment that is even more interesting. Levin was charged with distributing Russian-language copies of Meir Kahane’s book, Never Again. And herein begins the story of the kipa. Ya’akov, incredibly, would walk around Odessa wearing a kipa with the Hebrew words on it, “Kahare Tzodek”— “Kahane is right.” And on July 16th, Ya’akov, his wife and her parents arrived, after years of waiting, in the Land of Israel. A huge welcome was arranged, and the news media sat in the VIP room at Ben-Gurion airport waiting to hear and interview the hero. And then he walked in. And on his head — to the horror of the Hellenists of the news media, the Minister of Immigration Ya’akov Tzur all the Establishment forces — was the kipa. In all its stunning “racism,” with the words fairly leaping out of it: Kahane Tzodek. Need one have any greater proof that there is a G-d than the look on the faces of the New-Old Left? Enter the Palestine Post (also known as the Jerusalem Post). The next day, for the benefit of those who were unable to be there, the Palestinians of the Post reported the arrival as follows: Levin, 27, entered the terminal wearing a white skullcap with the pattern of an Israeli flag stitched onto it. Poor Israeli Jews, poor Jewish Prisoners of Zion of the Free World. Ya’akov Levin is, today, a former prisoner of Zion. He has been freed of the shackles of the Soviets and their news media, Pravda, Izvestia, Moscow Radio and Television. It is the Jews of the Free World who are still in chains. They are at the mercy of news media that lie, corrupt, twist and shape news. The Palestine Post is a vicious paper that regularly lies and deceives its readers through omission and commission. In a sense, of course, I am encouraged enormously by its decadent deceitfulness. For it is the clearest proof of two things. One, its inability to deal with truth, with issues as they are, in a true and open manner. All cowards and intellectual weaklings are forced to resort to lies and fraud and the Palestinians at the Post are among the greatest of intellectual cowards and weaklings. And two. Nothing could better give the lie to the last deceitful fig leaf that these Hellenists, naked of every conceivable Jewish value, try to boast of as covering their gentilized genitals. Trampling on every other Jewish value, the Palestinians and their kind boast of their “ethics and morality.” One of the poorer jokes of our times. They, “ethical”? “moral”? They are among the meanest and bitterest of creatures, people of truly base character. Haters and liars, they defraud their readers, twist and change news, turn¬ing their readers into true Prisoners of Zion. There has long been a need for a Knesset law demanding truth in journalism. The day is coming, O Palestinians, and it will not be a happy one for the Liars of the Post. But it will enable thousands of Jews to join Ya’akov Levin in freeing themselves from their chains and, at last, becoming free Jews. July 1987 Shabbat Shalom Beyond Words, seven volumes can be purchased at Anyone reading this Rabbi Meir Kahane or Rabbi Binyamin Kahane article and is not on my personal list to receive the weekly articles and would like to be, please contact me at To view articles written by Rabbi Meir Kahane and Rabbi Binyamin Kahane go to blog: Facebook: Barbara Sandra Ginsberg Otzma Yehudit for Anglos

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