Wednesday, March 24, 2021
The magazine of the authentic Jewish Idea
Nissan -5749 April-1989
It is the necessary, the indispensable preface and introduction to Passover. It is the explanation that cries out the ultimate message of the holiday, the basic lesson of the feats of our freedom. It is the foundation of foundations that raises Passover from an insipid, saccharine social custom beginning and ending with recipes printed in the New York Times women’s section; from a golden opportunity for Manischewitz to return to Jewishness through capitalist Passover profits even as the truly frum, raise their level of religiosity by raising the level of prices; from a Jewish people that marches on its Seder stomach even as it moves on to the annual national lie. “Next Year in Jerusalem.” It is the Great Sabbath, which attempts to save Judaism from myopic ritualism, to make the Jew, Jewish and the Orthodox, religious.
Sabbath Hagadol, the great Sabbath. The Sabbath preceding the Passover, the Sabbath that cries out the basic, the ultimate message of the enormous Exodus from Egypt, of Passover itself. Sabbath Hagadol that gives us the lesson without which Passover, the Jewish people itself, lose all reason for being. Sabbath Hagadol commemorating the basic lesson of Judaism: Faith, real faith, faith in G-d who really is greater than the mighty Pharaoh, or the regal Reagan or the burningless Bush – Sabbath Hagadol. The great Sabbath, that began more than 3,000 years ago on a Sabbath in Imperial Egypt.
“Speak unto all the congregation of Israel, saying: In the tenth day of this month, they shall take to them every man a lamb…”
It is a special, an awesome commandment, one that is given to every Jew, hence the unique words “Speak unto all the congregation.” Take a lamb and bind it up for four days.
You believe that this is a simple commandment. Hardly. The lamb is more than an animal; it is the very god of Egypt. It is a deity, a hallowed creature before whom the Egyptian bows and whose meat dare not touch his mouth. And the Jews, “every man” thereof, are commanded to take this lamb, this Egyptian god, the deity of their masters, and tie it to their beds, to their posts, bind it up. And when the astonished and outraged Egyptian masters will ask: “What are you doing? The answer shall be: We shall soon slaughter this lamb, the deity, your god, and eat it.
Do you still think this is a simple, bland commandment? It is a commandment fraught with danger to life, a commandment that surely sent fear down the spines of the Jewish slaves, that, without a doubt, led scholars to rush and ponder whether pikuach nefesh, danger to life might perhaps demand the postponing of the dangerous commandment.
Nor does the Almighty stop there. He insists on a policy of extremism, of goading the gentile. Not content with a commandment that cries desecration of the Egyptian god, that taunts him with the sight of his deity bound up, the G-d of Israel insists that the Jew add salt to the wound.
“And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roasted with fire… eat it not partially cooked, nor boiled in water, but roasted with fire, its head with its legs and with its insides complete.”
Awake and consider! This is what Passover is all about; only this! This is Judaism what Judaism is all about; only this! This is what the duty and the role and the essence of the Jew is all about; only this! To affirm to the world, but first to ourselves that the L-rd, the G-d of Israel, is. That He truly does exist, that He is the One, the only One, that He, only He, directs the world, the fate of man, the destiny of His people. That whatever will be for the Jew will be only because He so decrees. That the gentile has no relevance to the Jewish fate, that the Pharaohs of all time, the ones in Egypt and the ones in Washington are utterly irrelevant to what will be with the Jew.
On the Great Sabbath in Egypt, the L-rd taught us the lesson that we trampled in the dust, the dust of secularism and the dust of the yeshiva world alike: The lesson that the Jew must raise high, must flaunt the glory and Omnipotence of his G-d. That the world must be compelled to see their deities, their gods and idols, bound up and humiliated and destroyed. That one must goad the gentile in order to raise high the banner of the L-rd. That Kiddush Hashem, the sanctification of the Name of the G-d of Israel, demands an open, fearless, flaunting sacrifice of the idols and deities of the gentiles that deny the uniqueness of the G-d of Israel, His exclusiveness, His Oneness! The lamb is openly tied and those who tremble and whisper: “But we dare not goad the gentile,” are silenced with thunderous contempt. The lamb is slaughtered and roasted whole and fully and openly. It cannot be hastily covered in a pot where it will not be seen. Its identity cannot be disguised by cutting its body into pieces. We cannot escape the danger of the gentile by avoiding confronting and goading him. No. Precisely the opposite!
The same gentile who thundered and thunders: “Who is the L-rd? I know not the L-rd and will not let Israel go!” must be taught the eternal lesson of: “The L-rd is G-d, the L-rd is G-d!” The gentile does not wish to “know” G-d, to acknowledge His exclusive kingship. He must be taught that lesson in an open and bold and humiliating way. He and his idols must be humbled and broken. The lamb is taken openly. The lamb is slaughtered openly. And those who cringe in populism and whisper: “But one dare not goad the gentiles…” are silenced by the thunder of the L-rd, whose commandment is eternalized by the Rabbis of the Great Sabbath, Sabbath Hagadol. So, let that Sabbath be understood and appreciated and embraced. For without it, there cannot be a Passover, an understanding of what that Passover really is. And without that, when the Jewish child asks for the meaning of this night, the pathetic father who knows not what to tell him will doom his child to become a pathetic as he: practitioner of Jewish ritual, but never, never a religious Jews.
Pesach Sameach - celebrate with thanks to Hashem our freedom from Egyptian slavery. Be healthy, stay safe.
Barbara and Chaim
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Barbara Sandra Ginsberg
Otzma Yehuditfor Anglos
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Beyond Words
Selected Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane,
Volume 5 1960-1990 (pages 288-290)
A Tale of a Kipa
This is the tale of a kipa (a skullcap), the freed prisoner of Zion who wore it, and the Palestine Post (known also as the Jerusalem Post) that lied about it.
Ya’akov Levin, 27, is one of the Jews of Heroism from Soviet Union, in the city of Odessa, possibly the most assimilated of Soviet cities from a Jewish point of view, he was not only a Zionist, but became a ba’al tshuva, returned to Judaism, learned Hebrew and married Yehudit, daughter of Zionist Mark and Zhanna Nepomnyashchy. Because of his“anti-State activities,” he was sentenced to three years in a Soviet labor camp. Those activities? The charge sheet said that “drugs” were found in his home. The “drugs” were spices for the end of the Sabbath havdala ceremony . . .
But it is another paragraph in the indictment that is even more interesting. Levin was charged with distributing Russian-language copies of Meir Kahane’s book, Never Again. And herein begins the story of the kipa. Ya’akov, incredibly, would walk around Odessa wearing a kipa with the Hebrew words on it, “Kahare Tzodek”— “Kahane is right.” And on July 16th, Ya’akov, his wife and her parents arrived, after years of waiting, in the Land of Israel. A huge welcome was arranged, and the news media sat in the VIP room at Ben-Gurion airport waiting to hear and interview the hero. And then he walked in.
And on his head — to the horror of the Hellenists of the news media, the Minister of Immigration Ya’akov Tzur all the Establishment forces — was the kipa. In all its stunning “racism,” with the words fairly leaping out of it: Kahane Tzodek. Need one have any greater proof that there is a G-d than the look on the faces of the New-Old Left?
Enter the Palestine Post (also known as the Jerusalem Post). The next day, for the benefit of those who were unable to be there, the Palestinians of the Post reported the arrival as follows:
Levin, 27, entered the terminal wearing a white skullcap with the pattern of an Israeli flag stitched onto it.
Poor Israeli Jews, poor Jewish Prisoners of Zion of the Free World. Ya’akov Levin is, today, a former prisoner of Zion. He has been freed of the shackles of the Soviets and their news media, Pravda, Izvestia, Moscow Radio and Television. It is the Jews of the Free World who are still in chains. They are at the mercy of news media that lie, corrupt, twist and shape news. The Palestine Post is a vicious paper that regularly lies and deceives its readers through omission and commission. In a sense, of course, I am encouraged enormously by its decadent deceitfulness. For it is the clearest proof of two things. One, its inability to deal with truth, with issues as they are, in a true and open manner. All cowards and intellectual weaklings are forced to resort to lies and fraud and the Palestinians at the Post are among the greatest of intellectual cowards and weaklings.
And two. Nothing could better give the lie to the last deceitful fig leaf that these Hellenists, naked of every conceivable Jewish value, try to boast of as covering their gentilized genitals. Trampling on every other Jewish value, the Palestinians and their kind boast of their “ethics and morality.” One of the poorer jokes of our times. They, “ethical”? “moral”? They are among the meanest and bitterest of creatures, people of truly base character. Haters and liars, they defraud their readers, twist and change news, turn¬ing their readers into true Prisoners of Zion.
There has long been a need for a Knesset law demanding truth in journalism. The day is coming, O Palestinians, and it will not be a happy one for the Liars of the Post. But it will enable thousands of Jews to join Ya’akov Levin in freeing themselves from their chains and, at last, becoming free Jews.
July 1987
Shabbat Shalom
Beyond Words, seven volumes can be purchased at
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Barbara Sandra Ginsberg
Otzma Yehudit for Anglos
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Selected Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane, 1960-1999
Volume 3 1977-1981
Dvar Torah: Bezalel Parsha Vayakael
“Behold, I have called byname (b’shem) Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur…” (Exodus 31:2)
The All Mighty chooses Bezalel to be the architect and the builder of the first temple of G-d, the Sanctuary in the desert. In a sense, the Sanctuary had a holiness that neither of the two Temples in Jerusalem had. For while in the case of the latter two, the vessels were captured by the destroyers (and in the case of the second one, the vessels were not even there to begin with),the vessels of the Sanctuary were not allowed by the All Mighty to fall intothe hands of the gentiles. And so, weask: Why was it Bezalel who was especially chosen for the great honor of building this holy sanctuary? Secondly, what does thephrase “Behold I have called by name” (b’shem) mean? Thirdly, why does the Torah bother to give the name of both the father and the grandfather of Bezalel? Rarely do we find the name of a grandfathergiven EVERY time that someone is mentioned. Why bother to mention Hur’s name? It appears to me that theanswer to these questions holds deep truths. To begin with, let us see who Hur was.
We first find him in the chapter dealing with the famous battle of Amalek(Exodus 17). It is he and Aaron whoholds the hands of Moses as he holds them high – the hands that symbolize thefaith and trust inG-d. And so, Hur becomes associated with the manof faith. But there is more, for if thatis all, why is not one of Aaron’s descendants chosen to build theSanctuary? The answer is that Hur is aman of faith – and more. He is one who proves it by reaching its zenith – Kiddush Hashem. As the Jews throw off theyoke of the All Mighty and make for themselves a golden calf, it is one man whostands up to protest. Aaron attempts togain time by portraying himself a one who goes along with the people in thehope that as he delays, Moses will return. He is a man who has faith and will never,himself, worship anyone but the All Mighty, but he does not stand up toprotest! One man does that: Hur. Our Rabbis tell us that it is Hur who risesup to shout that this is wrong, and he is killed by the Jews (VayikraRabbah 10:3) Hur reaches the zenith offaith – Kiddush Hashem. It is easyenough to say that one believes and has faith. The ultimate proof of it is that one is prepared to endanger himself forTorah and perhaps even lose his life. That is the essence of faith. That is Hur, the grandfather of Bezalel. And who was his father? The Rabbis tell us that it was Caleb, thevery same Caleb who, along with Joshua, was one of the two dissentingspies. While the other ten, in fear andlack of faith, spoke of the dangers in Canaan and the impossibility ofdefeating the enemies there, it is Caleb and Joshua who stand up and say: No, we can defeat the enemy, no matter how strong. Let us have faith in the All Mighty. Again, two men of faith, butagain, one of them takes that faith to its ultimate test. For the Torah singes out Caleb: “For My servant Caleb, because he hadanother spirit within him and has filled himself with faith after Me…”[“va’yemale acharai”] (Numbers 14:24). Why is Caleb singled out over Joshua? Because while both were men of faith, it was Caleb who rose to publiclyprotest the majority opinion: “And Caleb stilled the people … and said: Letus go up …” (ibid., 13:30). It wasCaleb who stood up before the raging mob and who endangered himself, who was prepared to give up his life, if necessary, for faith in G-d. H reached the peak of that faith. And that is why Bezalel,grandson and great-grandson of the men who reached the peak of faith, is chosento build the Holy Sanctuary. Because of the merit of his ancestors. In returnfor Caleb’s being filled with another spirit, G-d says, concerning Bezalel: “And I shall fill him with the spirit of G-d” (Exodus 31:3). In return for the fact that Bezalel’sancestors called G-d by name, sanctified His name, the All Mighty says: “Behold,I have called Bezalel by name.”
Indeed,in the manner that a man measures things, thus is he himself measured. It is Kiddush Hashem, the willingness to give of oneself in order to sanctify and magnify the glory ofthe All Mighty, that is the touchstone of Judaism. Our failure to understand that, our failureto take risks and to “endanger” ourselves, is the clearest proof of the shallowness of our so-called faith. Weshall merit building the new sanctuary on that day when we become thedescendants of a Bezalel, a Hur and a Caleb.Written on April 1978Shabbat Shalom to everyone
Beyond Words can be purchased at
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Otzma Yehudit for Anglos
An English translation of Rabbi Meir Kahane's small Hebrew book "Al Ha'Emuna Ve'al Ha'Geula," is available on Amazon. The English title is "On Faith and Redemption." It was first published in Hebrew in 1981 and was republished three more times after that, in 1983, 1987 and 1993. Amazon has it as an E-Book and also in soft cover. Here is the link: You can find other E-books by Rabbi Kahane on Amazon
Thursday, March 4, 2021
The Torah Solution: Expulsion!!!! 1990
Kahane on the Parsha
Rabbi Meir Kahane- Parshat Ki Tisa
Parshat Ki Tisa as written by Rabbi Meir Kahane HY”D and submitted to the Jewish Press just hours before his assassination
For many years I have pointed out the clear halachic status of a non-Jew in the Land of Israel, which is in total contradiction to Western democracy, which postulates complete equality of all peoples regardless of ethnic, national, or religious background. I have pointed out that he has, at best, the status of a ger toshav, assuming that status is still applicable nowadays when yovel is not in force.
I have also pointed out that a non-Jew who wishes to live in the Land of Israel MUST ACCEPT upon himself the obligations of misim and shibud (tribute and servitude) under which he cannot ever hold sway over any Jew in Israel and cannot hold any position of authority (see Hilchot Melachim 6:11). In a word, I have pointed out the clear halacha of a non-Jew with absolutely no NATIONAL (as opposed to personal) rights in the Land of Israel that was given to the Jew as a Holy Land in which he must live alone and in isolation, creating his own unique and holy Torah state.
Today, after deep contemplation and study of the situation, I believe all this applies to every non-Jew--except for the Arabs who call themselves "Palestinians." They, unlike any other people, have the halachic status of the ancient Canaanites. Let us consider my point.
We clearly find in halacha a difference in status between ordinary non-Jews and non-Jews from the seven Canaanite nations--a difference that is expressed only in part by the fact that refusal to surrender on the part of ordinary nations leads to the killing of all their male adults (not their women and children), whereas similar refusal by the Canaanites leads to total extermination. Why this halachic distinction? Because there is a FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE between non-Jews who have origin in the Land of Israel (but wish to live there now) and those who stem from it--i.e., those who were there before the Jews arrived or came during the absence of Jewish sovereignty in the land.
To understand the nature of this difference, consider the words of the great Biblical commentator, the Abarbanel, on the following verses, "Behold, I drive out before you the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. Be vigilant lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land to which you come, lest it be a snare in your midst" (Exodus 34:11-12). The Abarbanel writes:
"Since the Almighty drives out His enemies, it is unseemly that we should make a covenant with them because this would be a desecration of His honor. [Furthermore], a treaty with them will not succeed since there is no doubt that they will ALWAYS seek evil for Israel considering that the Israelites took their land from them. And this is the meaning of the words 'the land to which you come'--i.e., since you, Israel, went into that land and took it from its inhabitants, and since they feel oppressed and robbed of it, how will they preserve a treaty of friendship? Rather it will be the opposite; they will be 'a snare in your midst'--i.e., when war breaks out they will join your enemies and fight you."
What a stupendously true and incisive comment by the great Abarbanel and how much it understands the reality of human nature. And how different from that of the sad Moderdox of our time, who not only prattle about equal rights for the inhabitants of the land under the Jews who took the land from them but who ignore--because they lack the courage to face up to it--the reality of human feelings and the unwillingness to accept crumbs rather than the sovereignty that was.
The Abarbanel lays down the clear fundamental reality that non-Jews who were in the Land of Israel before the Jews arrived will never accept their defeat. They will always dream of revanche and the day when they will take the land back. They will never see themselves as equals in a land that was once theirs and now belongs to the Jews who "graciously" consent to give them "rights." And herein is the fundamental difference in feeling between nations who were in the Land of Israel first, before the Jews arrived to take it for themselves, and other non-Jews who have no sovereign claim to the land but wish to live there now.
And, indeed, this postulate--which equates ALL peoples who were in the land before the Jews with the Canaanites--is also advanced by the holy Ohr HaChaim in his commentary to Numbers 33:52, which instructs the Jewish people to "drive out all the inhabitants of the land." He writes: "It's true that the [Torah says] concerning the seven nations, 'You shall utterly destroy them,' but this verse refers to nations OTHER THAN the seven nations found there. And that is why the Torah specifically states 'ALL the inhabitants of the land'--i.e., even those who are not of the seven nations."
And so we see: The seven nations do not have their special status alone, but rather all people who were in the Land of Israel before the Jews arrived, and who see the Jews as robbers who stole the land from them, have the same kind of attitude and approach of hate and revenge--and thus, the same legal status.
The Jewish Press, 1990 Editor's note: This Dvar Torah derives from the very last article Rabbi Meir Kahane wrote for The Jewish Press. The article was published in two installments. Rabbi Kahane submitted the second half to The Jewish Press on November 5th, just hours before his assassination
Kahane on the Parsha” can be bought at the following links on Amazon: , it's also available on website,
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