Beyond Words
Selected Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane, 1960-1990
Volume 6
“Beyond Words” is a newly-published seven volume
collection of Rabbi Meir Kahane’s writings that originally appeared in The
Jewish Press, other serial publications, and his privately-published works.
Chronology of Rabbi Kahane's life.“Beyond Words” now can be bought at On the search line, type… Beyond Words Kahane.
For the Jew, the worst of terror is not
some “Palestinian” gang, but the frightening thought that the United States
will stop supporting Israel. That is the specter that haunts the Jew;
that is the terror that gives neither sleep to his eyes nor slumber to his
On the one hand, the Jew is gripped by
fear of the gentile and on the other, by the perceived need of the
gentile. Both psychoses stem from the same tragic source: Lack,
utter lack of faith and belief in the L-rd, G-d of Israel. And lacking
faith, the Jew of practicality also lacks total understanding of Jewish
“The exiles will not be ingathered
except through the merit of faith.” The words of the Rabbis in the
Mechilta (B’shalach). A statement based on the verse of Hosea (3:22): “And
I will betroth thee unto me in faith, and thou shalt know the L-rd.” It
adds nothing to Jewish merit that this verse is said daily by the Jew who puts
on the tefillin. And to whom it means nothing.
A clearer statement could hardly be
found. The exiles will not be ingathered except through faith. Does
anyone believe it? Really believe it? Really take the
words seriously? Does the Jew who is spellbound and convinced of the
magical efficacy of Ronald Reagan and the miracle of American aid really
believe that the only way of betrothal to G-d is through perfect faith and
belief that G-d is the One who can save the Jew – the only one?
Hardly. The decision by the
gentiles in Washington to begin talks with the PLO led to a combination of surprise,
shock, fear and foreboding from Jews who are totally convinced that the United
States is beginning the abandonment of Israel and that without the United
States, Israel cannot survive. Small people; little people of little
Just as the first Jew was chosen
because he believed, because he had faith in G-d and was prepared to
stand alone against an entire world (as it is said [Genesis 15:6]: “And he
believed in the L-rd, and He counted it to him for righteousness”), and
just as the Jews of Egypt were saved in the first redemption only through faith
(as it is said [Exodus 4:31] “And the people believed”}, so shall
the final redemption of the children of the first Jew come about only through
faith. And indeed, it is the only way the redemption of glory and majesty
can come.
The Jew will never believe as long as
he has even one ally. For as long as he is not alone, he will always
maintain that his survival is due to the “ally.” People of little faith
cannot ever have the strength to think anything else. THAT IS WHY THE
is absolutely no one upon whom the Jew can lean and thus delude himself, only
then, when faced with absolute hopelessness, will the Jew – with no other choice
– turn to the All Mighty.
And so, the beginning of the end of the delusion of American support is the beginning, too, of the end of the delusion that Israel’s survival depends on the gentile. It does not. And so, cease the hand-wringing and the moaning. The Americans are not relevant to Jewish survival. The Russians are not relevant to Jewish survival. Only the All Mighty is. And because we do not believe it, we are about to embark on the painful process of learning it the hard way.
How foolish of us! How needlessly we bring on ourselves tragedy! Cease our dependence on the gentile and return to the L-rd. Faith in G-d and a powerful Jewish arm will bring us the redemption in glory and majesty.
Written on December 23, 1988
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