From Barbara
Ginsberg’s Desktop
The magazine of the authentic Jewish Idea
May-June 1989 Iyar-Sivan 5749
The magazine of the authentic Jewish Idea
May-June 1989 Iyar-Sivan 5749
Israel – There Are No Moderates
“Moderates.” “Moderates.” There
are no Arab moderates. There are only clever Arabs and stupid
ones. The stupid ones say exactly what they mean: eliminate Israel. The clever
ones (and more and more are becoming so) mean exactly the same thing but they
are clever. After defeats in four wars and numerous clashes they have learned
the secret: “say nice, moderate things to guilt-ridden Jews, and they will love
you. They will throw money at you. And the Sinai. And hopefully, the “occupied
There are no Arab moderates. And one
salutes in awe the ability of Arafat [today it is Abbas} the arch-murderer,
to persuade the Jews of lemmingism of his “change of heart,” of his
“moderation.” He must surely be a candidate for the Nobel Prize for not
laughing, for not rolling on the floor in hysteria.
He has renounced “terrorism?” Of course, but he
firmly maintains that to attack the Zionists who “occupy his country” is not
terrorism, but rather a war of national liberation. He accepts UN resolutions
242 and 338? To be sure, but within the context of all the UN resolutions on
“Palestine,” including resolution 181, the one that the “poor Palestinians”
rejected in 1947, the one that originally established a Jewish State. Today,
Arafat accepts it. He is good. Having been humiliated militarily he accepts it,
knowing that it would bring the Jews back to the boundaries of 1947. He accepts
all the UN resolutions, including the ones calling for Israel to allow the
“refugees” to return to their homes in Israel if they desire to. All the
“refugees” who were part of the “poor Palestinians” who attempted to wipe out Israel
in 1948. Today, thanks to the 40 years of birth, there are more than two
million of them.
He has recognized the existence of Israel.
True. Much in the same way that we all recognize the existence of earthquakes,
disease and roaches. Of course we recognize them, because they exist. We
recognize their existence in order to put an end to their existence. So too
with Arafat. He recognizes Israeli existence…
Arafat; the PLO; the “Palestinians:” the Arab
states. Models of deceit and deception, paragons of duplicity and perfidy.
Hands of blood and tongues of pretense. They plan new a Holocaust as they speak
No, there are no Arab “moderates.” They
are liars who cannot live together with themselves, let alone Israel. They all
believe that the Jewish State of Israel is a bandit, settler state, that has
stolen “Palestine” from them. And because of that, and with deep sadness, one
knows that there will be no peace. And let none of the comfortable denizens of
Peace Now in Beverly Hills or the woodpeckers of Hollywood or the pompous
pulpiteers of Reform liberal temples screech in indignation. Kahane does not
want peace! Kahane does not want peace? Where do I live and where do they live?
I, who live in Israel and serve in its army and whose children serve in the
army, desire peace a great deal more than the shallow liberals and leftists of
Peace Now and those paragons of Reform shallowness, Alexander Schindler and
Balfour Brickner, who regularly trumpet declarations of suicide through Peace.
There will be no peace because the “poor
Palestinians” do not wish peace. They wish “Palestine”. All of
it. And that includes Israel. So let us not delude ourselves
and let us not believe in delusions. The great Rebbe of Kutzk once said: “It is
a sin to deceive one’s neighbor. It is a crime to deceive oneself.”
Wishing peace, yearning for peace does not
mandate committing suicide for peace. And for all those who cry that Israel has
been fighting for 40 years, let it be stated flatly that the Jewish people have
been fighting for 4,000 years and had our forefathers been as depressed as some
of their present day children, we would have been long since gone as a people.
Cease the weeping and wailing! We have a state
of our own and it can be a glorious one and let us give thanks to the Almighty
for it. And let us understand clearly that a state is not given on a silver
platter; neither is it won by writing a check. A state is a precious thing that
is won by sacrifice and blood, and if there are those who are not prepared for
this, let them walk away and leave it to those who are – unafraid, who have
both faith in G-d and the willingness to climb the ramparts in battle.
We are weary? We are weary of having to serve
in the army each year to defend our state? How much would a Jew in Auschwitz
have given for the opportunity to see a Jewish army, a Jewish tank, a Jewish
plane – and with what joy he would have agreed to serve each year in a Jewish
army of a Jewish State, created so as to help guarantee that never again will
there be an Auschwitz for its Jewish citizens!
Peace? Of course we want peace. Who does not
want peace? It is not the monopoly of the guilt-ridden and self-hating
hypocrites, the artists and intellectuals (sic) of the left. We all wish peace;
we all fervently pray for peace. We all look for the day when the nations shall
beat their swords into ploughshares. But, meanwhile, as they continue to have
swords with which to destroy us, let us not be so mad as to wave ploughshares.
Give up land. For “peace” that the “poor
Palestinian” is prepared to grant us? The ultimate peace of the dead? Are we
mad? The ones who launched four wars of aggression against Israel and lost for
wars of aggression, dictate terms to us? The ones who launched four wars of
aggression and a thousand terrorist attacks, who slew thousands of Jews, and
who lost – now present us with demands? They insist that we, who won, give up
land? Let the Arab aggressors and murderers learn a very basic rule of life: Losers
lose. Winners win. Losers and especially losers who launched
wars of murderous aggression, do not dictate terms. Aggression is not a game in
which one attempts to wipe out innocent people, loses and then returns to “Go”.
No, aggression is a gamble and if the aggressor loses – let him know the full
bitterness of his reality – that he has lost. Then,
perhaps, he will think deeply and carefully before embarking on another
adventure. For let the “poor Palestinian” know in every fiber of his body, that
he had best leave well enough alone. Let him accept a peace that will see him
establish a state of his own in Jordan, if he can do it. For should he be so
foolish as to begin another murderous war of aggression, let him be certain
that that which he still possess in Jordan will be ours too.
Land for peace? By all
means. The Jews who were the victims of countless efforts to destroy them and
who are the rightful owners, will keep the land and be prepared to graciously
give the murderous Arabs, peace.
And above all, no guilt! What
causes a Jewish people that has suffered thousands of dead and tens of
thousands of wounded and maimed at the hands of the Arabs, fail to understand
that they are a cruel and implacable enemy, bent on destroying Israel and
decimating the Jews? What causes Jews who see the brutality and treachery and
viciousness with which Arabs massacre each other, refuse to see what our fate
would be if we would be so mad as to give them the slightest opportunity to do
to us what they dream to do to us? Above all, what makes a Jewish people that
has only one land and has returned to that land, to feel guilty over it and to
accept the myth of a “Palestine” and a “Palestinian people?”
There is no Palestinian people and there is no
Palestine! There is not, there never was, and please G-d there will never be.
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