Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Temple Mount is.....

[Today, The Temple Mount was closed for three days to Jews and tourists.  Why?  The Arabs were rioting on the Mount and throwing rocks at those praying at the Wall, hitting and injuring a 73-year-old women.  Instead of removing the Arabs, the Jews were removed by our Jewish government and police, until Ramadan is over.  We wet the appetite of our enemies by showing them riots pay-off.  Read how this all started.  BG]

It was the unforgettable, majestic, glorious day in June, 1967, as Jewish soldiers crashed through the walls of Jerusalem's Old City. Redeeming, reclaiming, liberating the ancient streets and alleyways; racing towards the Wall, scaling it and then - the electrifying words of the Commander, Motta Gur: "The Temple is in our hands! The Temple Mount is in our hands!"
There was not a Jewish heart that did not pound with a sense of Divine, historic moment. There was not a Jewish spine, so straight and proud after two millenia of being supine, that did not shiver in a sense of awe. There was not a Jew, though the most extreme of scoffers, who, at that moment, did not see G-d!
"The Temple Mount is in our hands!" Jerusalem of Gold, of holiness, of David; Zion, out of which the L-rd roared and uttered his voice. The Temple Mount, from which the trumpet of the Holy One, Blessed Be He, blasted. "When our feet stood within thy gates, O Jerusalem" - we wept with tears of disbelief. For the Temple Mount was in our hands. . . "As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the L-rd is round about His people" - and we knew it to be true. For the Temple Mount was in our hands. "Ye that stand in the courts of the House of our
G-d, praise the L-rd!" And we believed. For the Temple Mount was in our hands!
Let me quote from a letter that appeared in the March 21st, 1979, issue of Maariv, Israel's largest newspaper. It was written by a rabbinical student at Yeshivat Merkaz Harav and is obligatory reading for all those who, for Zion's sake, will not be silent:
"It was the Shabbat, when many Jews come to visit the Old City of Jerusalem. . . . Suddenly, after leaving one of the gates near the Temple Mount, the rioting began. Tens of Arabs, throwing stones and carrying knives and broken bottles, came at us. A storekeeper leaped upon me and I joined the others fleeing, as my hand bled profusely, eyeglasses left behind.
"How could it happen in the State of Israel today? Arab police are responsible for the safety of the East Jerusalem region. 'Autonomy' already exists when Arab police see Arabs throwing stones and nothing is done to arrest them. One who was arrested was a yeshiva student who kept calm and tried to help others. Before my very eyes, the police leaped upon him like wild beasts. This can serve to show us what we can expect in the future under `autonomy'... "
Jerusalem. Where in 1967, electric shocks of ecstasy, a national thrill of incredulity, swept the Jewish people throughout the world, as Israeli Jewish troops smashed into the Old City, sweeping terrified Arabs before them as chaff in the wind. Jerusalem, City of David, Jerusalem of the Temple Mount and Western Wall and Holy of Holies and Zion, was, once again, in Jewish hands - all of it, Jewish. By the tens of thousands Jews streamed through the alleyways of the Old City where just a few days before the Arabs had ruled and no Jew dared step. Now, the Arab - awed, shattered - groveled before the Jew whom he saw as being blessed by G-d and His miracles. Fear gripped the Arab in Jerusalem just as pride and confidence and certainty was the Jewish cloak in the wake of the awesome war of Six Days.
Jerusalem. Where, by 1986, less than 20 years later, Jews fear to go to the Wall by way of the Damascus Gate as Jews are stabbed and shot in the same marketplace and streets where a short time earlier they walked as Jewish giants on the earth. As night falls, only a handful of foolhardy Jews risk walking through what the Israelis allow to be called, still, the Moslem Quarter. No Harlem ever held greater fears for the Jew than parts of his own capital city. Nothing more underlines the obscenity of Jewish fears in their own capital than the picture report that appeared in the Jerusalem weekly, Kal Ha'Ir (August 4, 1984).
Three pictures; all taken in the Old City of Jerusalem. The first shows a hassidic Jew, surrounded by Arab youngsters, two of whom have snatched his hat from his head. The photo shows a policeman standing calmly by with obviously no intentions of intervening. He is, like the vast majority of police in the Old City, an Arab.
The second picture shows the Jew, watching helplessly as the Arabs taunt him. The Arab policeman has, by now, disappeared.
The third shows a large rock being thrown by an Arab youth at the Jew. It hit him in the head. Another day of Jewish pride in Jerusalem, Zion. The tragedy of Jewish glory turned into humiliation and fear by a Jewish policy that defies any normal logic and understanding.
Jerusalem, where the Jewish students on Mount Zion sign a petition of desperation, detailing not only sexual and criminal assaults on them by Arabs, but the cynical indifference and lack of any law enforcement by the local police - Arabs.
"We, the undersigned to this petition, are demanding security for our lives and property. For the past ten years there have been thousands of incidents such as those outlined in this petition: Stabbings, rapes, attempted rapes, molestings, obscenities through indecent exposure, burglaries, vandalism. . . ." And the police do nothing. And Jerusalem becomes Arab autonomy. The tragedy of a Jewish policy that defies any normal logic and understanding.
A Jewish policy? Say, rather a policy of Jews that was conceived in un-Jewishness and born in gentilized fear and timidity, a policy whose apex of humiliation is the desecration of Judaism's holiest site - The Temple Mount. The very moment of glorious Jewish victory in 1967 was the beginning of a flight to shame.
It began immediately after the greatest Jewish victory and miracle in 2500 years. The terrified and cowering Arabs of East Jerusalem were approached by the Defense Minister Moshe Dayan. Not enough that the Israeli government of 1967 committed the worst of mistakes by not driving out the Arabs who hated Israel and had tried to wipe her out. Not enough that in their fear of "world opinion," of what the Vatican and Islam might say, orders were given by the Israeli army to the liberators of the Old City not to use artillery to shell Arab positions lest they damage a single holy Moslem and Christian place (and how many Jewish soldiers died because of that policy!). The fearful and timid leaders of Israel immediately approached the heads of the Moslem community to assure them that the Temple Mount - the holiest of holiest of Jewish places - would remain in their hands. Jews were forbidden to enter there to pray, on their holiest site, a site stolen from them by invading Moslems who desecrated Judaism by building two mosques there. (And can one imagine the reaction of Moslems if Jews, conquering Mecca, built, on the holiest site of Islam - a synagogue?)
When in 1967, on the Fast of Tisha B'Av, the national day of mourning for the Jews, the anniversary of the destruction of both Temples, Army Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren and 50 Jews went to pray on the Temple Mount. Defense Minister Moshe Dayan ordered the commander of the Central Command to prevent any further action that might incite the Moslems: "Honored Rabbi," said the general, "if you will go up to the Mount again, I will be compelled to remove you by force." The following day the Ministerial Committee in charge of the holy places met and unanimously forbade Jewish prayer that had been set for the following Shabbat. That was the beginning of a humiliating Jewish policy that stunned no one more than the Moslems who could not believe the manifestation of Jewish madness they had just seen.
From that day, the government of Israel, in a remarkable exhibition of masochism, has paved the way for a total change in Moslem attitude. From a frightened, cowering population, they turned into a confident, arrogant, dangerous one. From people who feared the Jewish conqueror, they became throwers of stones, knife stabbers, and grenade and bomb throwers. Most of all, the Temple Mount became once again theirs, this time returned to them by two-legged lemmings of the Mosaic persuasion - and they grow ever more passionately convinced that time is on their side.
The government, police, courts have all had a hand in the shameful, tragic Jewish descent into humiliation. Already on April 15,1969, responding to an order against Police Minister Shlomo Hillel (who later went on to become Knesset Speaker), the State Attorney explained that Jews should not be allowed to pray on the Temple Mount because "premature prayer" (sic) there would raise grave security and international political problems. The years that followed saw police again and again forceably remove Jews attempting to pray on their holy site. Moslems watched in growing amazement, and growing arrogance and boldness, as the Jew who wished to enter as a tourist with camera and jeans was freely allowed access but the same son of Abraham entering with prayer shawl and prayer book was banned!
(In the years when American synagogues sold tickets for pews at High Holiday services, a rueful joke told of the Jew rushing up to the door without a ticket and telling the guard that he only wished to tell something to someone inside. Said the guard: "Fine, but if I catch you praying, I'll throw you out." The joke is alive and well today on the Temple Mount.)
Then, in 1976, a lower Jerusalem court, through Judge Ruth Or, ruled that Jews have a right to pray on the Temple Mount, but Police Chief Hillel blithely announced that he would continue to bar Jews. (This contempt for law is apparently endemic with Hillel as, nearly ten years later, in his capacity as Speaker of the Knesset, he announced that he would refuse to table certain bills by Knesset Member Meir Kahane, despite a High Court order to do so.)
The government hastily appealed the lower court order and on July 1, 1976, the Jerusalem District Court overruled Judge Or in a fascinating display of ghettoism. The court ruled that Jews who attempted to pray "demonstratively" (sic) on the Temple Mount were guilty of behavior "likely to cause a breach of the peace." Jews had an unquestionable right to pray on the Temple Mount, but public order, ruled the court, overrules that right of prayer.
The decision was mindboggling, the product of thinking most Jews assumed had disappeared with the Warsaw Ghetto revolt. To state that Jews had a right to pray on their holiest site and then to declare that this should be prevented because of fear of Arab rioting, was a paean to the shtetl of Minsk, Pinsk or Casablanca. But not even this was enough for the Israeli government, which wished to remove the decision that Jews have a theoretical "right" to pray on the Temple Mount and an appeal was taken to the Supreme Court. Meantime, Interior Minister Dr. Joseph Burg (himself a leader of the National Religious Party) declared that "the law will be kept." (Translation: Jews will not be allowed to pray on their holiest site.)
The astonished Arabs saw that the Jews, far from meting out to them the punishment they deserved and that they had given to the Jews when they ruled the Old City, were allowing them to retain all the power and authority that they would use later to demand total autonomy and independence. The Temple Mount served as the most glaring example of the fact that, despite Jewish protestations to the contrary, the land taken in 1967 was not liberated but "conquered." The Jews had come not as returnees to their own borders, but as an occupation army. One who loses his property and then unexpectedly finds it does not allow it to remain in the possession of another. He leaps upon it joyfully and cries out: "It is mine!"
The Arabs correctly understood Jewish "concessions" to be the product, not of goodness and grace, but of timidity and fear. And so, from a cowering Arab, the Jews produced a sneering, openly hating, stick bearing, stone throwing, grenade tossing thing - a time bomb waiting to explode.
The newspapers described some of the events. In 1979, as a number of yeshiva students came up to the gate of the Temple Mount to pray (in front of and not on the Mount itself), they were showered with rocks. Soldiers hid behind cars because they had orders not to shoot, lest The New York Times and Time magazine feature them on their front pages. The head of the Central Command, General Moshe Levi, watched the mob. Levi, a member of the leftist Hashomer Hatzair kibbutz, was later to become Chief of Staff and won undying something-or-other with his statement during a speech in Tel Aviv (May 25, 1986): "To say that the Arabs are the enemy is simplistic and dangerous. For me the Arabs are not the enemy." When the Jew excels, he outdoes all others-especially in madness.
I return to the newspaper account of the Arab riot in 1979:
"'Only in this state could such a picture emerge,''' a police officer said angrily, yesterday, at the sight of the commander of the Central Command, Moshe Levi, and the head of the police central region, who entered the Temple Mount to meet face-to-face with angry Arab youths.
"The general walked over and asked them why they were holding sticks in their hands[!]. But during the entire conversation not one of them backed down and not one dropped his stick. 'This is the real autonomy,' muttered the same officer."
Meanwhile, in 1980, the Knesset passed a new Jerusalem Law which declared in paragraph (3):
"The holy places shall be protected from any desecration or attack on anything likely to damage the rights of all members of religions to access to the holy places or their feelings concerning them."
This paragraph which clearly - to all but those who would refuse to see - outlined the absolute right of Jews to access to their holy places, now seemed to guarantee that the High Supreme Court of Israel would order the government to allow Jews, on their holiest site, the same right of prayer that they allowed Moslems who had stolen the site. But no, the ghetto-shtetl syndrome remained part of the Israeli genetic code, proving once again that it is far easier to remove the Jew from the Exile than the Exile from within the Jew. On October 30, 1981, the High Court of Israel ruled on the issue. The following is the UPI wire service report:
"Jerusalem (UPI)--The Supreme Court today upheld the right of Israeli police to keep Jewish worshippers from praying on the Temple Mount because it creates a threat to public order, Israel radio said."
A threat to public order. The Arabs might riot. Ah, if Meir Kahane were Prime Minister and the Arabs knew that the police had orders and full backing to use as much force as they desired to keep "public order" -is there one normal person who believes that there would be an Arab threat to public order?
Since then, the Arabs have systematically destroyed every vestige of Jewish presence on the Temple Mount, destroying valuable archeological evidence. A memorial to the Arabs killed at Sabra and Shatila is even placed on the Jewish holy site. The Temple Mount is in our hands!...
The lemmingism of the Israeli government is incredible! Who can count the ways? In February, 1985, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Sa'ad a-din Alamei, told the French news Agency:
"Any Moslem who will give up one inch of Palestinian land will lose without benefit of appeal, every attachment to Islam."
The Mufti, by declaring a ban on any Moslem who sold land or houses to Jews, was clearly guilty of sedition against the Jewish state. On February 26, 1985, I wrote to the Chief of Police asking that criminal proceedings be opened against the Mufti and personally filed a criminal charge with the police commander of Jerusalem's Old City. In my complaint I noted that if a Jew were to hand out flyers called on Jews not to buy from the Arabs of the Old City because they were enemies of Israel and pro-PLO, he would be arrested for sedition (indeed, a few months later, that is precisely what happened). On March 13, 1985, the office of the Chief of Police sent me the following reply:
"Your complaint has been investigated and it is clear that the material of the investigation does not indicate a criminal offense. Because of this, the police will not investigate the complaint."
The successor to the other Mufti who in the twenties and thirties led pogroms against the Jews of the Holy Land and who in 1942 met with Hitler to discuss the "final solution" for the Jews there, should have been given a Nobel Prize for extraordinary ability to keep from bursting into hysterical laughter. And, indeed, the Moslem religious leader has good reason to believe that Jews are mentally limited.
When the PLO conference was held in Amman, Jordan, in November 1984, one of the telegrams sent to Arafat was from the Jerusalem Mufti. It read: "From Al-Aksa mosque (on the Temple Mount) we emphasize our support of your Council and renew our oath of loyalty to the man of struggle Yasir Arafat. . . . Continue forward on your path, we are with you."
When the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel in January, 1986, called for a synagogue in the southeast part of the Temple Mount, Mufti Alamei declared: "Over the bodies of a million Moslems."
The Israeli reaction? Timid and fearful silence, lest the Arabs, Moslems and world react. And so, a mentally unbalanced Jew, Alan Goodman, shoots and kills two Arabs on the Temple Mount declaring that he wishes to liberate the spot and "become king of the Jews." Some thirteen years earlier, a Christian, Dennis Michael Rohan, set fire to the Al Aksa mosque. The Israeli court declared the Christian not criminally liable by reason of insanity. Yet Goodman, clearly unbalanced, received a life sentence plus two terms of 20 years. Once upon a time, in the Exile, the Jews would decide every major step by the proposition: What will the gentiles say? Then they created Israel, where Jews would be sovereign and free. . . . Laugh not, but rather weep for generations.
Jerusalem. Where the Palestinian autonomy and eventual state is being built. Jerusalem, which mirrors so much of the other desecration that fills the land. The Temple Mount is not in our hands. East Jerusalem is not in our hands. Judea and Samaria and Gaza and the Golan are not in our hands. The Biblical Eretz Yisrael which we liberated through G-d's decree in 1967, is not in our hands.
"On Mount Zion which is desolate, there the foxes walk. . . (Lamentations 5).
The Temple Mount is in their hands, the foxes, the cunning Arab foxes. And the words of Motta Gur ring hollowly - and it is we who are to blame. We, who took a miracle and disdained it. We, who took holiness and profaned it. We, who were given a Zion, a Jerusalem, a Temple Mount - and gave it over to the jackal-foxes.
What we see today is a mini-renewal of Arab rioting, murder and pogrom of the twenties and thirties. Then, the Arab mobs surged into the streets shouting, "Addowlah ma'anah" ("The government is with us!"). They meant the British Mandatory occupation government. Today, the Arabs know that the Jewish "occupation" government, because of its fear of world opinion, has given strict orders to soldiers not to shoot. In that sense it has opened the door to Arab boldness and contempt and attacks on Jews. In that sense the Jewish government of occupation is also "with" them. The Arabs have smashed the dam of fear and it will spill over. If Jews are attacked on their way to the Wall, and if a Jew is seriously hurt, or, G-d forbid, murdered, and if the residents of the Jewish Quarter are in increasing danger-know that it is the Jews who are to blame.
He who controls the Temple Mount will control Jerusalem. And he who controls Jerusalem will control the Holy Land. And the desecration of the Land and of G-d is inconceivable. One shakes his head in utter incomprehensibility when reading the words uttered by Menachem Begin in 1977:
"If I become the Prime Minister, I will open the Temple Mount to Jews. I will not fear the reactions of the Christians and Moslems. "
Begin became the Prime Minister. The Temple Mount is still in Arab hands.
Written in 1989

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Pikuach Nefesh Is Irrelevant -1979

Kahane on the Parsha
Rabbi Meir Kahane- Parshat Shlach
"Send forth men to spy out the Land of Canaan" (Numbers 13:1). ("All 'men' mentioned in Scripture are men of importance."--Rashi)
"So I took 12 men from among you, one from each tribe" (Deuteronomy 1:23). ("From the choicest of you, from the most excellent."--Rashi)
The Children of Israel approach the Land of Canaan. It is only a matter of days before they enter it. They turn to Moses, asking him to send spies to search out the land. Moses is not displeased, for after all, one does not count on miracles. Moses agrees. But he knows that the word of G-d is true and unbreakable. He chooses, therefore, not men of great military or technical knowledge in intelligence work, but rather "men." Men of importance; men of quality; THE VERY BEST among the Jews, the heads of the tribes. These are learned men, these are righteous men, these are men who studied Torah at the feet of Moses. These are the leaders of the generation.
"Go," says Moses, "and spy out the land." He has no doubts or fears. After all, with whom are we dealing here? Little people? People of small mentalities and vision? No, we deal here with the scholars and great ones of the generation.
They return. THEY TELL THE TRUTH. They tell the entire truth. It is a fine land, a wonderful land, truly a blessed country. BUT WE CANNOT GO UP TO IT; WE CANNOT CONQUER IT. Why? Because "the people that dwell in the land are powerful and the cities are fortified and very great, and we saw the children of giants there...and we were like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and so did we appear in their eyes" (Numbers 13:28-33).
And the people heard these words and began to weep. All night they weep; it is the night of the ninth of Av. They gather about Moses and cry out: "What are you telling us to do, to go up to the land? Surely we will be killed! Why did we leave Egypt? LET US GO BACK..."
The Torah is NOT a book of stories meant to entertain or titillate. "The deeds of the forefathers are signs for the children," the Rabbis tell us (Tanchuma, Lech Lecha 9). They are there for us to learn what to do, and what not. Every story is a lesson for our times. Let us see what occurred.
Is it possible that the chosen men of scholarship and greatness defied the word of the L-rd with impunity? Was there some heedless revolt here? Hardly. The great heads of the tribes looked about the land and saw exactly what they said they saw: powerful people, powerful cities, dangerous giants. Of course they wished to enter the Land of Israel and settle in their own country. But there was something that stood in their way. DANGER! TRUE DANGER! A danger to their VERY LIVES and the lives of the Jewish people!
And so they ruled halachically: DANGER TO LIFE TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER TERRITORY. Danger to life takes precedence over the Land of Israel itself. "Let us appoint for ourselves a leader and go back to Egypt" (Numbers 14:4). Not, G-d forbid, to assimilate, but rather - in the face of the danger of war - to build for ourselves a Jewish community there in Egypt. One that will be religious, one that will have an eruv; one that will have very kosher meat, on that will be a Crown and a Borough and a New Zion.
And the Almighty hears the halachic ruling and asks: "How long will this people FAIL to believe in me and in My sings and power???" (ibid. 14:11-12).
What is G-d saying? Why is He angry? Is there not justification for giving up land, the entire country, in the face of danger? Do not the mitzvot of living in the land and the prohibition against giving up the land pale into secondariness in the face of the great admonition to flee from danger?
But the Almighty has long since taught the Jews that this is not so. He lays down a mitzvah that is known as milchemet mitzvah, an obligatory war. It is a war that is binding upon the people and that needs no Sanhedrin, no prophet, no Temple. It is a mitzvah that declares: to conquer the Land of Israel, to repel an enemy that comes and demands your land or who refuses to give up a part of the land, is an OBLIGATORY WAR. Danger to life? Danger to life transcending and cancelling the mitzvah of an obligatory war? The contradiction is obvious. Is there a war that is NOT dangerous??? Is there a war in which we do NOT face danger??? Is there a rule that says: We must go to war unless it becomes dangerous! Say this and you permanently uproot the entire concept and mitzvah from the Torah.
Of course, wars are dangerous, and of course, there are times when the enemy is powerful and more so than the Jew. But the very essence of an obligatory war is to manifest faith in the Almighty, to sanctify His Name by going to war with the enemy and by triumphing against the natural odds. An obligatory war is Kiddush Hashem. It is the PROOF and MANIFESTATION of our FAITH!!!
And so the Almighty looks at the great men who are tiny of faith and cries out: How much longer will it be before they learn to believe in Me??? How much longer will it be before they have the faith to leave their Exile and come willingly up to the difficult land? How much longer will it be before they rule that one is not allowed to give up one inch of My land and that the concept of "danger to life" is irrelevant in the case of an obligatory war whose purpose is to manifest faith in and sanctify the Name of G-d? How much longer must G-d wait for men of faith???
The Jewish Press, 1979
Shabbat Shalom!
Anyone reading this Rabbi Meir Kahane or Rabbi Binyamin Kahane  article and is not on my personal list to receive the weekly articles and would like to be, please contact me at:

To view articles written by Rabbi Meir Kahane and Rabbi Binyamin Kahane go to blog:

To view Rabbi Meir Kahane site of Youtubes, Videos. CDs posted by Michael Miller go to: http://www.youtube.com/user/bayitvegan

Newly published “Kahane on the Parsha” can be bought at the following  links on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Kahane-Parsha-Meir/dp/098867680X , it's also available on website, www.BrennBooks.com

Rebbitzen Libby Kahane is happy to announce that the second volume, “Rabbi Meir Kahane: His Life and Thought, 1983-1976” is available on Amazon.com. The book comes up immediately when you type into the main search box: Meir Kahane Life 1976
Rabbi Meir Kahane: His Life and Thought, 1976-1983” (volume 2), has been published. and now available in Israel. Can be bought from Yeshivat Haraayon Hayehudi (02-5823540) and from Pomeranz Books (02-6235559)

Facebook Links: 
Michael ben-Ari- Jewish Strength:

Barbara Ginsberg – Do search

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Rabbi Binyamin Kahane "We Were Just Following Orders" -1995

Kahane on the Parsha
Rabbi Binyamin Kahane- Parshat Beha'alotcha


As national catastrophe hovers over us, many religious Jews are beginning to understand (better late than never) the fatal mistake they made all these years in not thinking big when it came to national politics. The most they ever desired was membership in the coalitions of various governments, Right, and Left. They never went for all the marbles -- that is, to grab hold of the reins of leadership and lead the Jewish people. Only now, as the country is disintegrating, are they finally realizing that they must step up and offer the people an entirely different path -- a Jewish path -- if Israel is to survive.

And so, the time has come to ask: What are the characteristics of a true Jewish leader???
The answer to this question is in our parsha, which discusses the very first Sanhedrin in Jewish history. Moses had reached his breaking point and told G-d, "I can't carry the burden of this people alone, for it is too heavy for me" (Numbers 11:14). Whereupon G-d told him to find 70 elders to help him. But whom to choose? How does one select 70 leaders? After all, there was no shortage of righteous and talented Jews around.

G-d, however, immediately singled out a specific group: the officers of the Children of Israel in Egypt. Who in the world were these officers and why did they deserve to lead the Jewish people? In Parshat Shemot, Pharaoh lays down a rather heavy edict on his Jewish slaves. They must produce a specific quota of bricks without even being given straw. The Jewish officers are ordered by the Egyptian taskmasters to see to it that the quota is met. If it isn't the officers will be blamed for the shortage and beaten. The officers, therefore, are in a dilemma: Either they beat their brothers mercilessly and save their own skin, or they disobey orders and suffer the consequences.

How would we expect them to behave? We are all too familiar with the claims of many soldiers and policemen in Israel today: "Nu, What can I do? I'm just a small screw in a big machine. I'm just following orders." We might expect the Jewish officers in Egypt to similarly rationalize, "Yes, we are with you. The edict is cruel. But, nu. what can we do? We are just following orders." But that is NOT what the Jewish officers say to their brothers in Egypt!!!
The officers recognize the cruelty of the decree and refuse to obey it! And they suffer the consequences: "The Jewish officers were beaten in place of the people as they were unwilling to turn them over to the taskmasters. They said, 'It is better that we be hit and not let the rest of the people falter'" (Tanchuma, Beha'alotcha 13).

THESE were the people chosen by G-d to lead the Jewish people. They weren't necessarily the most scholarly Jews. However, their hearts burned with Ahavat Yisrael. They did not merely pay lip service to the concept of Ahavat Yisrael. They were genuinely ready to suffer for their brothers.
Darka Shel Torah, 1995

Anyone reading this Rabbi Meir Kahane or Rabbi Binyamin Kahane  article and is not on my personal list to receive the weekly articles and would like to be, please contact me at:

To view articles written by Rabbi Meir Kahane and Rabbi Binyamin Kahane go to blog:

To view Rabbi Meir Kahane site of Youtubes, Videos. CDs posted by Michael Miller go to: http://www.youtube.com/user/bayitvegan

Newly published “Kahane on the Parsha” can be bought at the following  links on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Kahane-Parsha-Meir/dp/098867680X , it's also available on website, www.BrennBooks.com

Rebbitzen Libby Kahane is happy to announce that the second volume, “Rabbi Meir Kahane: His Life and Thought, 1983-1976” is available on Amazon.com. The book comes up immediately when you type into the main search box: Meir Kahane Life 1976
Rabbi Meir Kahane: His Life and Thought, 1976-1983” (volume 2), has been published. and now available in Israel. Can be bought from Yeshivat Haraayon Hayehudi (02-5823540) and from Pomeranz Books (02-6235559)

Facebook Links: 
Michael ben-Ari- Jewish Strength:

Barbara Ginsberg – Do search

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Savuot Divrei Torah 1977


The magazine of the authentic Jewish Idea

Shavuot, Sivan 5737  -  May 1977


We are told that when the L-rd desired to give the Torah to the Jewish people, instead of choosing some lofty and majestic mountain, He selected Sinai, a small, humble little mount barely more than a hill.  His purpose in this symbolic act was to show that man must turn his back on overbearing pride, must reject a false ego.
It is related in the name of the Gerer Rebbe:  G-d’s intentions are indeed laudable.  Yet, if He intended to show that man must not be a mountain and must turn down false pride, why was the Torah not given in a valley?
The answer is clear, the answer is bold:  It is not enough to reject overbearing pride.  Too much humbleness is, itself wrong.  Man should, man must possess some pride in his being – otherwise he is not a man
I never cease to be amazed that we continue to be valleys.  I never cease wondering at our choosing the way of the meek.  One would imagine that after all the “help” we have failed to receive; we would have remembered the lesson of the mountain.
These are sad times when we must still – just for the moment – the voice of Jacob, and for the sake of Jewish honor, of Jewish protection, don the hand of Esau.
Vandals attack a Yeshiva – let that Yeshiva attack the vandals.  Should a gang bloody a Jew, let a Jewish group go looking for the gang.  This is the way of pride – not evil pride, but the pride of nation, of kinship – the pride of the mountain.
There are those who will protest:  This is not the Jewish way.  And yet since when has it been a Mitzvah to be punished and beaten?  Since when is it a Kiddush HaShem (Sanctification of G-d} to be spat upon and smeared with vegetables?  It is not a Kiddush HaShem, it is quite the opposite.  It is a disgrace to the pride of our people, our G-d.  More important – there is a rule in the hoodlum jungle:  The more the victim backs away, the more the hoodlum moves forward.
The same holds true for all other areas of Jewish persecution, Jewish teachers are being harassed and forced from jobs; Jewish merchants are robbed, looted and driven from their business establishments.
Is the way out to bow to extremism and Nazi tactics?  Can one buy his freedom and life from the psychotics and extremists?  I think not!

Up from the valley and up to the Mount, Jewish rights are not cheap and Jewish defense is not wrong.  This is the lesson of the Mount.

Israel and deep desire for the dismantlement were obvious to all who wished to see.

Anyone reading this Rabbi Meir Kahane or Rabbi Binyamin Kahane  article and is not on my personal list to receive the weekly articles and would like to be, please contact me at:

To view articles written by Rabbi Meir Kahane and Rabbi Binyamin Kahane go to blog:

To view Rabbi Meir Kahane site of Youtubes, Videos. CDs posted by Michael Miller go to: http://www.youtube.com/user/bayitvegan

Newly published “Kahane on the Parsha” can be bought at the following  links on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Kahane-Parsha-Meir/dp/098867680X , it's also available on website, www.BrennBooks.com

Rebbitzen Libby Kahane is happy to announce that the second volume, “Rabbi Meir Kahane: His Life and Thought, 1983-1976” is available on Amazon.com. The book comes up immediately when you type into the main search box: Meir Kahane Life 1976
Rabbi Meir Kahane: His Life and Thought, 1976-1983” (volume 2), has been published. and now available in Israel. Can be bought from Yeshivat Haraayon Hayehudi (02-5823540) and from Pomeranz Books (02-6235559)

Facebook Links: 
Michael ben-Ari- Jewish Strength:

Barbara Ginsberg – Do search

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Forty Years - 1982

FORTY YEARS (excerpts)

[Written in 1982 and Rabbi Meir Kahane HY”D saw the handwriting on the wall and warned us what will be.] bg

“They refused My counsel, they despised My reproof; therefore shall they eat of the fruits of their own path, and be filled with their own devices. “ (Proverbs 1)

The reality is that the same Israel which rejected G-d for the love of the gentile; which made concession after concession and which sacrifices Jewish lives and Jewish land, which chose Man over G-d is the worst possible desecration of the Name – faces the immutable future of isolation and rejection on the part of a gentile world that moves inexorable to force her into even more concessions until the final one – extinction.  We seek the support of the broken reed called Man?  Here it is; we lean upon it even as it breaks and drives its slivers deep into us.

“Now behold thou trustiest upon the staff of this broken reed, on Egypt, on which if a man lean it will go into his hand and pierce it, so Pharaoh King of Egypt unto all that trust in him”  (Kings II. 18).  [change Egypt for the U.S.]bg

More, the full meaning of the measure for measure is the fact that the lack of faith, the fleeing to the gentile, the clear message of fear and dependency upon him, must only INVITE pressure and strangulation.  We open the doors to his crushing, chocking demands, precisely through our fear of him.  That which we most fear – isolation and hostility – we bring directly upon ourselves.  “How wondrous are Thy works, O L-rd!”

“We looked for peace but no good came, and for a time of healing and behold trouble!”  (Jeremiah 8 

Despite all concessions and retreats, the Jewish State will remain a pariah, rebuked, condemned, brutalized in the Council of Nations and Abominations.  It will cling pitifully to one ally whose pressure grows regularly and who, seeing how Israel retreats in the face of it; will repeat it with ever greater frequency and pain.  The ally has its interests that clash with those of the Jewish State.  The sickly moans of protest by Jews that Israel is of vital interest to the ally will go unheeded by gentiles who thirst for Arab oil, hunger for Arab financial investment and business opportunities, languish for Arab military and strategic commitments to fight the Red Baron of Moscow.  Prostrating Prime Ministers may flatter the gentile in a manner that transcends embarrassment and plead for a treaty of defense and partnership.  Israeli actors cannot match the gentile ones and the Jew will receive compliments along with the painful strangulations, but the ally will be creating his bases and training jointly on the soil of the Arab and training jointly with Moslem soldiers. “The Arab and the Ally” is the sign of the partnership office in the Middle East. “Consider my enemies for they are many and they hate me with cruel hatred.” (Psalms 25)

Israel will be, at best, a nuisance for America.  It will become – more and more and America will say openly – an increasingly intolerable burden to be dropped.  The price for Arab aid and alliance being the divestment of Israel, the gentile begins to do just that.  Such is the result of the seeds of Jewish fear and divestment of G-d.  This is the necessary fruit of faithlessness.  G-d will never allow salvation through the desecration that is trust in the gentile.  “Lo, it is a people that dwell alone.”  (Numbers 23)

The Jew, led by men of little faith become masters of political deception, refuses to see it.  No matter, it is true, Israel has already collapsed before pressure from the gentile and swallowed Arab humiliation and mockery.  There is more to come; much more.  Every retreat before the gentile invites more pressure and the fingers will clench about Judea, Samaria, Gaza and the liberated land, including Jerusalem.  Those who cry out today:  “We must concede and compromise lest we lose the support of our gentile staff”, will say the same tomorrow, and there is no end to it.

“I was a reproach among all my enemies, yes, unto my neighbors exceedingly and a dread to my acquaintance…  They devised to take away my life.” (Psalms 31).

The reality is that the leaders of Israel are frightened of the reality.  Despite deception and deviousness they – because of lack of faith – have no policy and in their hearts is only the hope of muddling through and gaining time until they have finished their sojourn.  Then: Après moi…

They and the people.  In the unconscious of the nation is a fear, a terrible fear that perhaps time is not on their side, that ultimately the enemy will win.  It is seen in the nervous and tension in the streets and public places.  In the growing numbers of people who seek to emigrate.  In the private conversations - in the mad, illogical race to live beyond their means, they repeat the call of their fathers:  “Eat and drink, for tomorrow…”

A land filled with guilt and fear, a land increasingly sullen, angry, an unhappy land filled with unhappy complaining people.  Where once certainty and optimism painted the faces with sun, today the clouds of worry and barely concealed fear darken the countenance.  As not an area of national life succeeds and as the piper comes for payment, and as political, economic and social disaster loom, it is a country falling apart even as the leaders of fraud deny it to those who they fear will turn them out of office or take to the streets. And as the fear and guilt and addiction to self and “I” overpower us, hatred between Jew and Jew grows.  Hatred between those who differ in politics; hatred between those who differ in country origin; hated between those who have and know not what they have, and all the others.  But above all, hatred on the part of the empty-headed and empty-hearted who know the bankruptcy of their lives towards those who speak in the Name of the L-rd and who seek to create a people of the swine,  They look upon the representative of Torah and seethingly think to devour him with all the crunching of the donkey.  A land made for joy of holiness and the freedom that comes from compliance with the Law of G-d, becomes a sullen place, a prison for those who are chained by their own unfettered desires.

“But you gave the Nazarites wine to drink and commanded the prophets saying:  Prophecy not.”  (Amos 2).

Anyone reading this Rabbi Meir Kahane or Rabbi Binyamin Kahane  article and is not on my personal list to receive the weekly articles and would like to be, please contact me at:

To view articles written by Rabbi Meir Kahane and Rabbi Binyamin Kahane go to blog:

To view Rabbi Meir Kahane site of Youtubes, Videos. CDs posted by Michael Miller go to: http://www.youtube.com/user/bayitvegan

Newly published “Kahane on the Parsha” can be bought at the following  links on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Kahane-Parsha-Meir/dp/098867680X , it's also available on website, www.BrennBooks.com

Rebbitzen Libby Kahane is happy to announce that the second volume, “Rabbi Meir Kahane: His Life and Thought, 1983-1976” is available on Amazon.com. The book comes up immediately when you type into the main search box: Meir Kahane Life 1976
Rabbi Meir Kahane: His Life and Thought, 1976-1983” (volume 2), has been published. and now available in Israel. Can be bought from Yeshivat Haraayon Hayehudi (02-5823540) and from Pomeranz Books (02-6235559)

Facebook Links: 
Michael ben-Ari- Jewish Strength:

Barbara Ginsberg – Do search